(Image: Bethany Nauert: Chef Brandon Boudet's Charming Cottage Kitchen)

Party season is coming up — weddings, graduations, Mother's Day brunch, picnics in the park, and just good old-fashioned dinner parties seem to enjoy their full glory in the springtime. We love having people over to dinner, but the costs can rack up. How do you keep budgetary concerns from blowing your party spirit? Come see some of our favorite posts on the topic, and please — share your own tips and good ideas!
Now, your turn. When you want to throw a birthday party, a baby shower, or just host some friends for dinner, what's your approach? Do you go potluck so the costs are split up between everyone? Do you skip the alcohol? Do just desserts, no main dish? Do you have specific menus or recipes you return to over and over?
Tell us your best budget tips, menus, and good ideas for having a good time with friends without blowing your budget. We'll round up our favorites later this week!